Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here's what has been happening with the Fisher Four. Rebecca was baptized last Sunday. Oh how beautiful she looked. Just like a little doll. Her behavior was just as perfect. Fell asleep for the beginning part of the service, woke up when Pastor took her, smiled and looked around. Never a peep out of her.
I was amazed at how much she looked like her sister in her gown. My girls' amazing Nana made that for Victoria's Baptism. I can picture her in right now. Wow has time flown by, way too fast. I'll post pictures of both girls in the dress later today after I dig out my scanner. I hadn't gone digital yet -- I admit I was a holdout. What was I thinking!
That's all for now from the Fisher Four -- the youngest is yelling for her bottle!


  1. Teena the girls are both just beautiful!! What a wonderful keepsake your Nana made for you. The girls will treasure it.
    Another wonderful printable, that I am printing as I type!!

  2. Thanks Cindy! I think they're pretty beautiful myself. My mom spent hours crotcheting that dress for Victoria. It was so exciting to see it on Rebecca. Teena
